After working at a bank and a buyout fund, she was a founding member of a venture capital firm focused on medical devices under the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ), where she played a key role from fund formation to operations and investment activities. Additionally, she has been actively involved in various initiatives, including supporting the launch of the Japan Biodesign Program, and serving as a lecturer etc. for medical device courses at the University of Tsukuba. Following tenure as the head of Omron CVC, founded a venture capital firm in 2024 specializing in healthcare investments. University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, MBA, Stanford University, Biodesign program, Global Faculty in Training, PhD in Biomedical Science.
西尾 信彦
立命館大学 | 情報理工学部教授
東京大学工学部計数工学科を卒業後、同大学院理学系研究科情報科学専攻を修了。慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科助教授を経て、立命館大学情報理工学部教授(現職)。専門は、IoT、知的環境、システムソフトウェア。2007-08年、Google Inc. Visiting Scientistを併任。博士(政策・メディア)。
After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Nobuhiko Nishio completed his studies at Department of Information Science, Graduate School of Science. After serving as an associate professor at Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, he became a professor at College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University where he holds his present post. He specializes in IoT, smart environment and system software. In 2007-2008, he joined Google Inc. as a visiting scientist. He also holds a Ph.D. in Media and Governance.
As a founding member of IT-Farm, Takehiro Shirai leads the technology assessment of investment candidates and also provides active hands-on support for partner selection and project execution with clients to ensure the success of the investments. Prior to IT-Farm, he helped many startups in Japan as a technology evangelist at Isis Corporation. He also has experience in microprocessor design at Intel US headquarters and Japan branch office, and as a founding member of the Japan branch, contributed to the listing of MetaSoftware on NASDAQ.
馬 静前
Plug and Play Japan株式会社 | Head of Ventures
大学卒業した後、EY税理士法人にて移転価格、海外進出実務及びM&Aに係るコンサルティング業務に従事。その後モルガン・スタンレーMUFG証券を経て、2019年にSBIインベストメントに入社し、フィンテック、AI、サイバーセキュリティ、フードテック等の国内及び海外のベンチャー企業に投資し、イグジット(上場・M&A)まで導く。2021年にPlug and Play Venturesに参画、Plug and Play Japanにおけるベンチャー投資業務全般を統括する。
After graduating from university, Ma joined EY, one of the largest accounting firms and engaged in transfer pricing service, overseas expansion business and M&A consulting. After that, he worked at Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities and joined SBI Investment in 2019. He invested to startups in FinTech, AI, Cyber Security and Food Tech industries from domestic and overseas. He also led portfolio companies to exit (IPO and M&A). He joined Plug and Play Ventures in 2021 and oversees all venture investments in Japan.
Stuart moved to Japan at age three, going to public and international schools, and graduated from Stanford University's Department of Electrical Engineering. After graduation he was involved in the founding of Sotec, where he led the sales department. He has also served as president of Intelligent Systems Japan (later acquired by OrCAD) and Magma Design Automation. Afterwards, while serving as the representative of KURA, he also participated in an educational program for entrepreneurs as a visiting researcher at Keio University before assuming his current position at Atlassian.
Hiro is a Japan-born entrepreneur who moved to Silicon Valley in 2009. Carbide Ventures General Partner.
In 2011, Hiro co-founded Treasure Data, based in Mountain View, and served as its CEO. Hiro has successfully led the team in three funding rounds raising $54 million from top venture capital funds. In July 2018, UK based CPU design design giant Arm Holdings announced its acquisition of Treasure Data for reportedly $600M (Bloomberg). After serving as VP and General Manager of Data Business Unit at Arm for three years. In 2021, Hiro founded Carbide Ventures.
Prior to Treasure Data, Hiro served as a Principal of Mitsui & Co. Venture Partners, Inc. (also known as Mitsui Ventures). At Mitsui, he focused on early stage information technology investments in North America. He has worked at Mitsui Ventures since February 2007. Prior to that, Hiro was employed at Red Hat Inc. since 2001, where he was a Business Development and Alliance Manager of OEM business channels and housing channels in Asia-Pacific area. He successfully introduced Red Hat Linux into several transnational companies."
春日 伸弥 / Shinya Kasuga
IT-Farm Corporation | ジェネラルパートナー / General Partner
Shinya is a cross-border venture capital investor supporting business development of disruptive tech startups across the world. He was a tech entrepreneur over 25+ years before he joined IT-Farm in 2018, whose experience includes Director at Swift Inc., Co-Founder at Broadtail Co., Ltd., and Japan Country Manager at Unibuts Inc., after he started his career at IBM Research. He and IT-Farm also serves as an organizer of XTC JAPAN, a regional chapter of global startup competition, as well as Founding Memeber of Investor Network at Cyber Valley: Europe's largest AI consortium.
After working at a bank and a buyout fund, she was a founding member of a venture capital firm focused on medical devices under the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ), where she played a key role from fund formation to operations and investment activities. Additionally, she has been actively involved in various initiatives, including supporting the launch of the Japan Biodesign Program, and serving as a lecturer etc. for medical device courses at the University of Tsukuba. Following tenure as the head of Omron CVC, founded a venture capital firm in 2024 specializing in healthcare investments. University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, MBA, Stanford University, Biodesign program, Global Faculty in Training, PhD in Biomedical Science.
西尾 信彦
立命館大学 | 情報理工学部教授
東京大学工学部計数工学科を卒業後、同大学院理学系研究科情報科学専攻を修了。慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科助教授を経て、立命館大学情報理工学部教授(現職)。専門は、IoT、知的環境、システムソフトウェア。2007-08年、Google Inc. Visiting Scientistを併任。博士(政策・メディア)。
After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Nobuhiko Nishio completed his studies at Department of Information Science, Graduate School of Science. After serving as an associate professor at Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, he became a professor at College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University where he holds his present post. He specializes in IoT, smart environment and system software. In 2007-2008, he joined Google Inc. as a visiting scientist. He also holds a Ph.D. in Media and Governance.
As a founding member of IT-Farm, Takehiro Shirai leads the technology assessment of investment candidates and also provides active hands-on support for partner selection and project execution with clients to ensure the success of the investments. Prior to IT-Farm, he helped many startups in Japan as a technology evangelist at Isis Corporation. He also has experience in microprocessor design at Intel US headquarters and Japan branch office, and as a founding member of the Japan branch, contributed to the listing of MetaSoftware on NASDAQ.
馬 静前
Plug and Play Japan株式会社 | Head of Ventures
大学卒業した後、EY税理士法人にて移転価格、海外進出実務及びM&Aに係るコンサルティング業務に従事。その後モルガン・スタンレーMUFG証券を経て、2019年にSBIインベストメントに入社し、フィンテック、AI、サイバーセキュリティ、フードテック等の国内及び海外のベンチャー企業に投資し、イグジット(上場・M&A)まで導く。2021年にPlug and Play Venturesに参画、Plug and Play Japanにおけるベンチャー投資業務全般を統括する。
After graduating from university, Ma joined EY, one of the largest accounting firms and engaged in transfer pricing service, overseas expansion business and M&A consulting. After that, he worked at Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities and joined SBI Investment in 2019. He invested to startups in FinTech, AI, Cyber Security and Food Tech industries from domestic and overseas. He also led portfolio companies to exit (IPO and M&A). He joined Plug and Play Ventures in 2021 and oversees all venture investments in Japan.
Stuart moved to Japan at age three, going to public and international schools, and graduated from Stanford University's Department of Electrical Engineering. After graduation he was involved in the founding of Sotec, where he led the sales department. He has also served as president of Intelligent Systems Japan (later acquired by OrCAD) and Magma Design Automation. Afterwards, while serving as the representative of KURA, he also participated in an educational program for entrepreneurs as a visiting researcher at Keio University before assuming his current position at Atlassian.
X-Pitch by Plug and Play Japan Cross-Industry Startup Showcase
本セッションでは、多様な業界のスタートアップが一堂に会し、短時間で斬新なアイデアを披露します。Plug and Playのアクセラレーター採択スタートアップはもちろん、これから市場に挑戦する新進気鋭のスタートアップも登壇し、それぞれの革新的なビジネスモデルや最先端の技術を発表します。業界の枠を超えたアイデアが交差し、新たなコラボレーションやビジネスチャンスが生まれる場となることでしょう。次世代を担う起業家たちの挑戦を、ぜひその目でご覧ください!
After working at a bank and a buyout fund, she was a founding member of a venture capital firm focused on medical devices under the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ), where she played a key role from fund formation to operations and investment activities. Additionally, she has been actively involved in various initiatives, including supporting the launch of the Japan Biodesign Program, and serving as a lecturer etc. for medical device courses at the University of Tsukuba. Following tenure as the head of Omron CVC, founded a venture capital firm in 2024 specializing in healthcare investments. University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, MBA, Stanford University, Biodesign program, Global Faculty in Training, PhD in Biomedical Science.
西尾 信彦
立命館大学 | 情報理工学部教授
東京大学工学部計数工学科を卒業後、同大学院理学系研究科情報科学専攻を修了。慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科助教授を経て、立命館大学情報理工学部教授(現職)。専門は、IoT、知的環境、システムソフトウェア。2007-08年、Google Inc. Visiting Scientistを併任。博士(政策・メディア)。
After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Nobuhiko Nishio completed his studies at Department of Information Science, Graduate School of Science. After serving as an associate professor at Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, he became a professor at College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University where he holds his present post. He specializes in IoT, smart environment and system software. In 2007-2008, he joined Google Inc. as a visiting scientist. He also holds a Ph.D. in Media and Governance.
As a founding member of IT-Farm, Takehiro Shirai leads the technology assessment of investment candidates and also provides active hands-on support for partner selection and project execution with clients to ensure the success of the investments. Prior to IT-Farm, he helped many startups in Japan as a technology evangelist at Isis Corporation. He also has experience in microprocessor design at Intel US headquarters and Japan branch office, and as a founding member of the Japan branch, contributed to the listing of MetaSoftware on NASDAQ.
馬 静前
Plug and Play Japan株式会社 | Head of Ventures
大学卒業した後、EY税理士法人にて移転価格、海外進出実務及びM&Aに係るコンサルティング業務に従事。その後モルガン・スタンレーMUFG証券を経て、2019年にSBIインベストメントに入社し、フィンテック、AI、サイバーセキュリティ、フードテック等の国内及び海外のベンチャー企業に投資し、イグジット(上場・M&A)まで導く。2021年にPlug and Play Venturesに参画、Plug and Play Japanにおけるベンチャー投資業務全般を統括する。
After graduating from university, Ma joined EY, one of the largest accounting firms and engaged in transfer pricing service, overseas expansion business and M&A consulting. After that, he worked at Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities and joined SBI Investment in 2019. He invested to startups in FinTech, AI, Cyber Security and Food Tech industries from domestic and overseas. He also led portfolio companies to exit (IPO and M&A). He joined Plug and Play Ventures in 2021 and oversees all venture investments in Japan.
Stuart moved to Japan at age three, going to public and international schools, and graduated from Stanford University's Department of Electrical Engineering. After graduation he was involved in the founding of Sotec, where he led the sales department. He has also served as president of Intelligent Systems Japan (later acquired by OrCAD) and Magma Design Automation. Afterwards, while serving as the representative of KURA, he also participated in an educational program for entrepreneurs as a visiting researcher at Keio University before assuming his current position at Atlassian.